Kraft Cheese
To help Kraft build emotional connections with their younger online audience, we activated the “Make Something Amazing” campaign, which successfully reinvented everything about recipe marketing online for 5 different cheese brands. Thinking digital about a traditional campaign, we made heavy use of visual recipes that were optimized in many ways for the online audience. They provided both functional and emotional benefits, giving consumers inspiration and content worth sharing online and off.
Since launching, visitors spent 20% more time exploring cheese recipes and products, with interaction rates that exceeded the brand’s content benchmarks by nearly 70%. Streamlining the process of finding and sharing recipes has made Kraft Foods the the go-to destination for kitchen inspiration.
The Make Something Amazing website was named Outstanding Website by the IAC Awards and was named Best Mobile Website in the Mobile Web Awards. It also enjoyed some good press.
The visual recipe is sharable content intended to inspire as well as instruct.
Digital tactics included time-of-day Yahoo! login as well as geo-targeted banners that feature local people making local favorites.
Make Something Amazing looks distinct but still integrates into Kraft Recipes master site design.